United Motorcoach Association


The United Motorcoach Association ("UMA") is North America's largest association of professional bus and motorcoach companies. Founded in 1971 as the United Bus Owners of America, UMA's membership now includes more than 700 motorcoach companies. Another 250 motorcoach manufacturers, suppliers and related businesses are currently "Associate" members of UMA. Headquartered in Alexandria, VA, across the Potomac River from Washington, DC, UMA serves the informational, legislative, regulatory and business needs of its member companies. Within the membership, companies range from one and two vehicles to those with many hundreds of coaches; from small tour-specific companies to those performing intercity route service, charter and tour operations on a coast-to-coast scale. UMA's offices are located at 113 S. West Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. You may contact UMA Chief Executive Officer Stacy Tetschner by calling him at (703) 838-2929 or, toll-free, at 800-424-8262. If you'd like more information about UMA or its members, please write to info@uma.org.